Monday, July 18, 2011

What's your love at first sight business story?

Recently, I noticed the ad pictured above in the window at the Citibank located immediately next door to our European bra-fitting store, at 11th and E Street, NW, Washington, DC.  Citibank's ad uses the theme, "What's your love at first sight story?," to appeal to small business owners to help them secure financing to launch or expand their business.  Ironically, the name of our store, Coup de Foudre, pronounced "koo de fudre," means "Love at First Sight"!  Coincidence?

This ad also reminded me of my dear friend, fellow entrepreneur, Kassie, the owner of SimplySoles, an on-line & catalog shoe business with 3 retail locations!  It's like the ad was targeted directly at Kassie and Simply Soles!

Coup de Foudre and Simply Soles are proof that launching your own small business is truly a "love-at-first-sight" story!

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